Secret Life and Kyle XY
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Inception Empty Inception

Post by Rex Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:08 am

I gotta say after all this hype around the movie I found it simply good. Nothing really amazing. Of course maybe I am a bit overtly critical because I just love the idea of exploring the human psyche in such way. It could have been amazing. But they made it pretty much your average action movie with some pseudo philosophy

Anyway the story starts with the that old cliche of showing the ending and then starting from the beginning.

At the beginning we start with two of the main characters. Cobb and Arthrur( I am bad with names so maybe I am wrong) We learn that they are extractors. People who through a device can enter a person's subconscious while they are dreaming and retrieve information. They are on a job when we are introduced to Cobb's wife Mal who sabotages them

They fail the job and have to run from their employers who don't tolerate failure. Soon their previous mark(the failed job) offers them an the mother of all missions. Not an extraction of information but the opposite. An inception where they literally insert an idea in someone's brain. They are reluctant to agree because this is nearly impossible but then he offers to clear Cobb of the criminal charges so he can return home( a completely idiotic part. You really don't want to dig on why he is so desperate for this offer. )

Long story short they accept and have to gather a new crew for the mission. About the only really important plot wise person is the architect who is the girl from Juno. While they prepare for the complicated mission they also spend a significant amount of time dwelling on Cobb's mind(and sometimes in Cobb's mind) where they explore just what happened with his wife

And of course during the mission Cobb manages to resolve the problems with his wife as well

Overall a decent movie. Good action. Not a horrible plot(except the extremely idiot part surrounding why he is so desperate and unable to reutrn home) The characters are kinda bland but not repulsive

Overall it's worth a watch but don't believe the hype

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