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Sleepaway Camp The Series

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Sleepaway Camp The Series Empty Sleepaway Camp The Series

Post by Unit7 Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:58 pm

All I have to say is... its a brilliant little slasher gem from the 80's.
Ironically I believe I had the ending spoiled to me several times over the years, and yet as I was watching it I was still completely shocked. Its a good thing my mind didn't decide to retain that info.

Sleepaway Camp is a series of movies set in some Camp. Where a killer goes around killing the campers and other people who just pisses the killer off. Sorta seems like a Friday the 13th Ripoff really, but the first Sleepaway Camp is much more then a slasher flick. Though so far the sequels are just that, a slasher flick with a very twisted and unique killer. Smile

Also... boobs are viewed way more then in the first. But then whats a slasher flick with out the occasional flash of boobage? But the lack of nudity in Sleepaway Camp 1 was again refreshing and gave the whole thing a certain charm to it. Wait! Ok so there was one scene with nudity in it, however it wasn't there just for the sake of nudity, it actually sorta vital to the story. You gotta see the movie to understand what I am talking about.

As far as Sleepaway Camp 2 goes.

Eh, not quite as fun as the first. Not that it wasn't creepy/disturbing or anything. But the first was just awesome. I guess in the first all the kids were more or less 'innocent' as far as sex, drugs, and drinking went. The ages seemed to range from little kids to older teens. It was also nice not exactly knowing who the killer was and the kills were often alot more creative then that of Sleepaway Camp 2. Not that I didn't enjoy the Freddy Krueger/Leatherface/Jason bit. That was rather amusing. Also unlike Sleepaway 1, 2 didn't focus much on the story itself. It was a bunch of teenagers having sex, preteen boys taking pics of girls topless, all the while being picked off one by one. Though its not to say that the actress who played the killer wasn't great. She did a great job of pulling it off.

But. The first one was by far better and more story focused and not so much killing.

Finished Sleepaway Camp 3 was also fun. While not as great as the first, the kills were fun to watch and had a great humor about it. It takes place about a year after 2 and it follows the Killer once again killing their way through a camp that some rich couple put together as a means to bring Upper Class Teens and Lower Class Teens Together. Again it was mostly just fun watching them kill everyone in some of the most amusing ways. While neither of these sequels captured the awesomness that was the First... it was still a fun ride. Because really, who doesn't love senseless murder?

So after being entertained all day by the Sleepaway Camp series. I thought why wouldn't Return to Sleepaway Camp be any different? Hell it was filmed in 2003, which means the special effects and stuff of the kills should be good to see. I mean how could they screw up such an awesome formula?

Well they did. I don't know how they did it. But boy did they. The series is a rather simple one. Its about this Teen who goes on a killing spree through a camp. She picks them off one by one, often those she things deserve it. Someone having sex(why this was a common theme in slasher flicks is a bit odd. Have sex in the woods, well just look out for Jason!) Anyways. the kills were often brutal, yet the way she does it, its just so fun how she is happy and carefree as she does it.

Ok so in a sense Return to Sleepaway Camp is similar to the First. You don't really see the killer. However in 40 Minutes, there have been a total of 2 deaths. Now I suppose if they had upped the body count and been a bit more original(seriously, a vat of oil and burning someone alive? Might aswell have been a giant pot of boiling water and... well burning someone alive!) Its horribly dull.

But my biggest complaint about this movie is that it's main character, the one we mostly view anyways, is the most ANNOYING character on the face of the planet. Whats worse, is that I believe they want you to sympathize with him. There is a scene where they are paintballing and both sides decide to gather in a cirlce nad shoot him. Did I feel sorry for him? No I wanted to very much take a paintball and start shooting him myself.

Now he is a rather fat kid. Which isn't that big of a deal. But he never seems to change his shirt, not even after being pelted by a cook with eggs. The shirt just gets dirtier and dirtier and I am like 'Your kidding right?" Now he also seems to go out of his way to shout and curse at everyone. He always tries to put himself as the victim even when he starts it. He clearly starts it.

If they wanted people to feel sorry for him. Then they really shouldn't have had him put some girls pig tails in his mouth while waiting in line(he was trying to bug her so that she would just get out of the line) Seriously... who the fuck does that? Also when some hot chick didn't want to go to his special place while they were playing corquet, he kicks the balls around until the Hot Girls friends pressure her into going to get him off their backs.

He is by far the most annoying character I have ever seen. Now maybe if they didn't want us to feel sorry for the guy then ok that might work. Would be even better if he was a background character. No one important. but the fact we mostly follow him, with the occasional walk through other perspectives, makes him on my Hit List. >.<

Also he is a complete idiot with an annoying voice. He never realizes when they are about to pull a prank on him. Its sad. Really really sad.

Now if your actually reading this, which I don't expect anyone to do, if your wondering why I am ranting and raving about this one character. Well guess what? 50 minutes into the movie, 2 boring Kills, and thats all the movie has been about so far. I even had to wonder if I was even watching a Sleepaway Camp movie. Also so far there is no sign that the main killer is even in this movie! I say this because... well its not like this is a reboot, its number effing 5 in the series(4th was only partially filmed and in early 2002 the raw footage was available in the boxset or something) But yeah its Number freaking 5. We should have atleast seen the main killer by now! They shouldn't be all cloak and dagger. It worked great for the First because it had a purpose. A great one at that. But this cloak and dagger bullshit is just... well bullshit. So the reason I am ranting and raving about this 1 character is because... well thats all there *IS* to really rant about.

I am simply amazed at how they could have fucked up this badly. I mean seriously? It is just horrible. >.<

Now the other kids in general are pretty mean. I mean really really mean. 2 of them manage to trick him into trying to get high off of horse crap. But... again if they wanted Alan(thats his name btw) to be someone to feel sorry for. They screwed that up royally.

*walks off in a fit of rage, hoping there is something redeeming about this movie.*

How they could mess up something like this is just unfucking believable.

Yes I am actually angry. Because I found this awesome 80's horror film that was awesome and fun to watch. I watched the sequels and they were also pretty awesome. I mean damn I just got into this series, was it really necessary to ... ok that was close. I make it a point to never use a certain word, especially around here. But yeah its actually the only word that seems to fit my disgust of this. Bleh.

Ok now I am going back to watch this abomination. Alan better turn out to be a girl, or so help me God. >.<

OK I need to rant some more.

For 5 fucking minutes some dude was tied to a tree with fishing line around his penis. You don't see it but... where else was that going to go when a guys pants are down? So for 1 minute he is there thinking its some kinky sex thing. 2 minutes you hear him screaming some characters name saying this isn't funny. The fishing line sorta jerks around. 3 minutes it takes for the fishing line, thats attatched to a car(the car that the character he was screaming for is driving away) Who gets stuck in and so she is backing up and trying to plow through it(thus yanking on the dudes penis)

For 5-7 minutes this has been going on so far. All for what? To yank some guys penis off. There is no suspense at all its just 'Just get on with it already!'

This movie is bad.

Also lets not mention the acting. Some of these actors/actresses are screaming their lines and stuff. But yeah the acting in this movie is particularly bad.

Which you know is sorta true for the rest of the movies but... damn atleast they could be enjoyed!

Also it seems to be one giant Anti Smoking Commercial. The ONLY police officer in this movie lost his larynx to cancer after 35 years of smoking. He now has to use some device to talk.

He isn't just seen once, but quite a bit throughout the movie. lol

Ok now I see why we didn't see the Killer. Very sneaky.

To bad they effed up the killer anyways. Come on, when was the last time the killer laughed all evily like that? So. While still a very very bad movie, I atleast liked the final reveal.

To bad they just messed up the character anyways. WHY? Sad
Rune Warrior
Rune Warrior

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